Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer : Loving U - SISTAR's Summer Special

Oh gosh! Lately Sistar's been making their rounds in my head with their latest summer special 'Loving U'. It's really refreshing and light as compared to their other powerful and sexy concepts. And the 'oooh oooh' & 'loving u' part is so catchy! Love this comeback. It's nice and refreshing to see the stars not dancing in a glittery box once in a while and SISTAR's MV shot which was taken in the Hawaii full of nature and beach was really fun to watch. I know my review maybe kind of late but hehehe what to do, I'm a bit like this. Don't mind me, go ahead and enjoy the MV.

Also another reason why I love their MV (I love the song too but lets talk about MV) is because of no other reason but their sweet, cool and summer fashion. Pairing cropped tops with supa pastel colored shorts and riding rollerblades, the girls look ready to rock summer. There's this one shot where they are dancing lightly on the grass wearing rollerblades, it got me thinking "Areh! That rollerblades reminds me of Girls Generation's jacket shot during their Gee promotions." but I think Sistar rocked it better than GG. And they show them taking a avcation with all the girls campfiring, going on a ride all by themselves, it got me thinking again "Ah! I'd want to go on such vacations with my girls too and have the time of my life!"

Seriously what don't these girls have? The figure, the dresses sponspored and getting to work in the Hawaiian beach for their MV! Sigh! So these summer get ready to enjoy it with SISTAR's 'Loving U!'

I think they get a 5/5 for their summer special. Cause it just matches the appeal they were trying to work out, the fun that was needed to be displayed in the MV. Also the soft acoustic sounds not to powerful on the ears but just as light and cool well-matched for the hot summer season!

If you haven't watched their MV, here it is. Loving U - SISTAR Full with english subtitles. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friendship Day!

Hey there all! Happy friendship day! On this day of rejoicing month-long or year-long friendships or maybe a having made new friends I thought why not consider some of the besties that've stood by one another in grief and joy, in sick and in health. It will not be in any order and I ain't gonna make it like any top 10 or 5, just random characters I remember. Oh yeah, it's anime I'm talking about! Hehehe! Now without any further ado, let's begin.


Natsu Dragneel & Happy - Fairy Tail

The Fire Dragon Slayer and his flying blue cat. I love their friendship, it's just so hilarious watching Natsu run around recklessy and Happy always looking at things in a pessimistic way! The fact that Natsu gets sick while using a transportation but doesn't get any motion sickness while Happy is flying holding him with his paws, when asked why "Because Happy is not a transportation. He's a friend!" God, that just makes my heart melt. It's always so inspirational when Natsu stands up for his guild, his friends and even more heart-wrenching when the easily scared Happy is finally able to stand up to enemies. Have to give it to this fire breathing monster - scaredy cat duo. Literally!

Ash Ketchum & Pikachu - Pokemon

Oh, this really brings back memories! I remember loving Pokemon so much and playing those cartdrige games till my eyes blurred and rendered me unable to look at a digital screen without going blind for more than 15 minutes. One word for their bond - unbreakable. Always there for each other, made me laugh and cry, a round of applause for this electrifying duo who made it for more 14 seasons, I think! Pika-wiga!

Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto

No matter how much of an ass Sasuke is or just how dumb but still so admirable Naruto is, their bond is something truly special. Ready to face the wrath of hell just to bring his friend back, that's Naruto for you. At the beginning I liked Sasuke and hated Naruto for being such an idiot but now my perspectives have changed. I admire Naruto for being a hero with firm beliefs ready to call himself a fool for prizing his friend over his mission and hate Sasuke with such burning passion for being obsessed with revenge. Still their bond which surpasses that of friendship acknowledging one another as brothers though they'll never admit it, it's just so pure. I've cried bucket loads of tears over their departure. And still hate Sasuke for it!

I don't remember much and don't think I'll be bothering either. So that's it, I guess!

Set : On this friendship day...

On this friendship day...

Hey guys! First of all, Happy Friendship Day!!! YAY!!! Hahahaha! Ok, excuse that random bout of happiness I just suffered! I just thought since it's friendship day today, why not create a set for this occasion and lo and behold! I know, it may not exactly be so awesome but while I was making this set I was thinking about being able to go out for the day with my bestie, talking long walks near the beach (cuz God it's summer here and we don't have a beach! sigh...), hanging around trinket shops, eating ice-cream and whatnot! I was thinking of something casual yet summer and fun too. So I ended up with yellow top with one side knotted at the end. As for the long skirt, I had a hard time finding the right one for it. I kept on arranging it with so many shades only to remove it at the end and search for another one! I kept on thinking since it's a bright yellow would it be alright to match it up with a lighter shade of pastel or a little darker shade of blue! God, I think I went crazy. Anyways at then end I ended up with a flower patterned one. Initially I thought of a cropped t-shirt with a high-waisted skirt but then I thought again that naw why don't I use a long skirt for outdoors once. And also because god, I'm suffering from ugly uneven tans here! Life's a bish!!! Ok putting that aside, have fun this day dressed appropriately for summer. Not too much make-up, a sunblock, a dab of lipgloss and you're ready to go!!!