Thursday, July 19, 2012

Set : Cool and fab...

Cool and fab...

Ok so like a said a new post everyday. Hehe but now I think I can't make it everyday, a few days now and then maybe but I'll keep on posting, don't you worry. Today the weather is a bit cloudy. Kinda calm and relaxed. And so for a weather like today I thought it would be good to dress up like above. Personally I prefer shorts but lately I've found that a girl can look sexy as hell in pants too. So girls if you've got a great set of legs, it's time you show off. If you don't fake it, wear high heels but do practice walking beforehand. I know they say boys like girls who let their hair free but I think why not keep it neat with your hair in a bun. Add a cute bow to make it look chic. The top is cropped and at first I thought of pairing it with sorts but then I pants suited it better. A dab of lip gloss and you're ready to go.

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